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10-rounds and 45 minutes split between two styles of training: explore the skills of boxing for half the class, and spend the other half on strength and conditioning. We close it all out with a moment of calm, taking you through a cooldown and breathwork.
10-rounds and 45 minutes split between two styles of training: explore the skills of boxing for half the class, and spend the other half on strength and conditioning. We close it all out with a moment of calm, taking you through a cooldown and breathwork.
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Morbi vitae ligula id dolor iaculis tincidunt. Vivamus ligula erat, consequat et dui nec, iaculis tempus lectu
Includes 1 fixed calendars:

10:15AM TO 11:00AM

Intro Image
Nulla pretium viverra augue, in tincidunt nibh suscipit vitae. Nam libero purus, maximus vestibulum eleifend ut, congue sed turpis
Includes 1 fixed calendars:

6:00AM / 7:00 AM

Intro Image
10-rounds and 45 minutes split between two styles of training: explore the skills of boxing for half the class, and spend the...
Includes 2 fixed calendars:

6:00AM / 7:00 AM / 12:00 PM / 5:00 PM / 6:30 PM


6:00 AM / 7:00 AM / 12:00 PM / 5:00 PM

Intro Image
10-rounds and 45 minutes split between two styles of training: explore the skills of boxing for half the class, and spend the...
Available throughout the day. Click TRY A CLASS to schedule a session
Intro Image

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at 5-star clubs
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Begin each training session with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your body for the workout ahead. Incorporate light jogging, jumping jacks, arm circles, and leg swings to increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles.

  • Warmup
  • Experience warm-up movements, rituals, basic movements
  • technique, punch straight hand in front and back
  • Core and strength
  • Cooldown, mindfulness, and stretch

Begin each training session with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your body for the workout ahead. Incorporate light jogging, jumping jacks, arm circles, and leg swings to increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles.

  • Warmup
  • Experience warm-up movements, rituals, basic movements
  • technique, punch straight hand in front and back
  • Core and strength
  • Cooldown, mindfulness, and stretch

Begin each training session with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your body for the workout ahead. Incorporate light jogging, jumping jacks, arm circles, and leg swings to increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles.

  • Warmup
  • Experience warm-up movements, rituals, basic movements
  • technique, punch straight hand in front and back
  • Core and strength
  • Cooldown, mindfulness, and stretch

Begin each training session with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your body for the workout ahead. Incorporate light jogging, jumping jacks, arm circles, and leg swings to increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles.

  • Warmup
  • Experience warm-up movements, rituals, basic movements
  • technique, punch straight hand in front and back
  • Core and strength
  • Cooldown, mindfulness, and stretch
Visual proof of the engaging workouts and sense of community at your boxing studio.